‘It is no coincidence that the return of a fascist movement is accompanied by the call to make country x, y or z “great again.” It is the greatness of force, power, and the false promise of the return to an unattainable past. That greatness is the opposite of... the human capacity to transcend ourselves, to have imagination and empathy, to live in truth, create beauty, and do justice. This is the true greatness of honouring the dignity of every human being. This is what a democratic civilisation is all about.’
‘human progress, the natural goodness of man, rationality, institutions, and political and social values as the main pillars of a just society... the will to power, lust, desire... resentment, xenophobia, lust for power, and fear.’
Rob Riemen, To Fight Against This Age: On Fascism and Humanism (London: W.W. Norton, 2018).