News from Rob Mimpriss

18th June 2022: Rivers of Wales by Jim Perrin

Jim Perrin’s Rivers of Wales, recently published by Carreg Gwalch, joins his earlier books, Snowdon and The Mountains of Wales in combining autobiography with reflections on Welsh heritage and landscape. Among the pleasures it offers the reader are the wealth of his descriptions of writers, naturalists, scholars and adventurers; his recollections of river walks, country pubs and hotels; his vivid and telling descriptions of riverside wildlife; and the wealth of his knowledge of literature, local history, and folklore. Jim Perrin approached me to write the introduction to the book. Among the pleasures of doing so were giving due praise to its many accomplishments, and realising the connections of spirit and intention between his work and my own.

The book has been reviewed by Mab Jones for Buzz Magazine, Ben Wildsmith for Nation Cymru, Adam Somerset for Wales Arts Review, and most recently by Catherine Duigan for New Welsh Review. You can buy the book from the publishers, Carreg Gwalch, below.

Buy Rivers of Wales from Carreg Gwalch

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Books by Rob Mimpriss

Cover of Dangerous Asylums

Dangerous Asylums

‘In this exemplary collaboration between medical science and imagination, lives preserved in official records, in the language and diagnoses of their times, are restored not just to light, but to humanity and equality. This anthology is a resurrection.’

Philip Gross