News from Rob Mimpriss

21st July 2019: Annibyniaeth!

‘To imagine this: / a people at grips / with genesis / not apocalypse’ Raymond Garlick, ‘Note on the Iliad’.

While the most worthless Prime Minister of modern times formed the most talentless cabinet of modern times, and the new home secretary was accused of breaking the ministerial code within two days of her appointment, All Under One Banner Cymru organised a march for Welsh independence in Caernarfon.

The march followed declarations in favour of independence by community councils throughout Wales, and by Gwynedd County Council, by an admission from the First Minister of Wales that Welsh commitment to the UK may need to be reconsidered, by the resignation of Welsh MP, Guto Bebb, from the government, in response to its English nationalism, and by growing public support for independence as a necessary response to the threat of Brexit. It was followed by a new opinion poll showing Plaid Cymru in the lead in Welsh parliamentary elections, and by the acknowledgement from a Labour member of the Senedd that the desire for independence is a valid expression of self-determination and democracy, and from Mark Drakeford, First Minister of Wales, that Wales is economically viable as an independent state. The Welsh language movement and the Welsh independence movement express neither a hatred of England nor a Brexit-style supremacism, but a desire for the statehood which is necessary to preserve our heritage and present it to the world.

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Books by Rob Mimpriss

Cover of Dangerous Asylums

Dangerous Asylums

‘In this exemplary collaboration between medical science and imagination, lives preserved in official records, in the language and diagnoses of their times, are restored not just to light, but to humanity and equality. This anthology is a resurrection.’

Philip Gross