News from Rob Mimpriss

21st October 2018: I’m Out

A day or so after the EU referendum in 2016, a casual acquaintance who had voted Leave explained how he was persuaded to do so. He had been planning to vote Remain on the basis of the evidence presented to the public, but just as he reached the polling booth he imagined Deborah Meaden on The Dragon’s Den saying, ‘I’m out,’ and so he voted for Brexit on the basis of a whim and a catchphrase.

Deborah Meaden was a speaker at the march against Brexit in central London yesterday. 700,000 of us took part, creating the second largest protest in a century.

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Books by Rob Mimpriss

Cover of Dangerous Asylums

Dangerous Asylums

‘In this exemplary collaboration between medical science and imagination, lives preserved in official records, in the language and diagnoses of their times, are restored not just to light, but to humanity and equality. This anthology is a resurrection.’

Philip Gross