‘A enir cenedl ar unwaith?’
News from Rob Mimpriss
24th March 2018: A Small, Dignified Counter‑Protest
Among the thousands of demonstrators who took part in the march against Brexit in Leeds today, I saw just two counter-protesters. One flapped his union jack as we went past, and muttered something no doubt patriotic and rousing, and the other held up a sign as we gathered to hear the speakers, handwritten on part of a box that a vacuum cleaner had come in.
He heckled the speakers, and was politely ignored, but as the rally progressed he became more and more aggressive and threatening, until eventually the police physically wrestled him to the ground and persuaded him to leave the area. During the preceding confrontation, someone quietly fixed a ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ sticker to the back of his jacket. The last we saw of him, it was still there.
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Books by Rob Mimpriss
Pugnacious Little Trolls
‘freely and fiercely inventive short stories… supercharged with ideas.’
Jon Gower, Nation Cymru
Prayer at the End: Twenty-Three Stories
‘heaving with loss, regret and familial bonds.’
Annexe Magazine
For His Warriors: Thirty Stories
‘sketched with a depth and sureness of touch which makes them memorable and haunting.’
Caroline Clark, gwales.com
Reasoning: Twenty Stories
‘dark, complex, pensively eloquent’
Sophie Baggott, New Welsh Review
The Sleeping Bard: Three Nightmare Visions of the World, of Death, and of Hell
Translated by T. Gwynn Jones, with an introduction by Rob Mimpriss.
A Book of Three Birds
‘Lucid, skilful, and above all, of enormous timely significance.’
Jim Perrin
Dangerous Asylums
‘In this exemplary collaboration between medical science and imagination, lives preserved in official records, in the language and diagnoses of their times, are restored not just to light, but to humanity and equality. This anthology is a resurrection.’
Philip Gross
Hallowe’en in the Cwm: The Stories of Owen Wynne Jones
‘An invaluable translation.’
Angharad Price
Going South: The Stories of Richard Hughes Williams
Translated by Rob Mimpriss, with an introduction by E. Morgan Humphreys